Print Sales

About Our Prints

Our prints are made with archival materials to insure that they retain their beauty for many years under normal display conditions. In all but a few exceptions, the prints for sale in the gallery are artist-made.

Color Prints

Color images are printed on Ilford’s Ilfochrome paper or Fuji’s Fujiflex paper. These papers are polyester-based, with stable dyes, and have been tested for color stability at over 100 years. We recommend using UV filtering glazing materials to add extra protection.

Black & White Prints

All black & white prints are made by Steven Fey on silver gelatin fiber papers, processed to archival standards and toned in selenium. Appropriately displayed silver gelatin prints will last indefinitely.

Matting and Framing

The prints in the gallery are mounted and framed according to conservation standards using acid-free materials. The prints are free-floated like watercolors and other similar art as per current conservation standards. They are not dry mounted, but are adhered only at the top margin. This allows the print to breathe and be re-mounted if any environmental damage occurs to the frame or matting. Free-floating in the frame does not affect viewing straight on, but is at times noticeable when the print is viewed from a side angle. Customers desiring a flatter appearance may have their prints dry mounted at the frame shop of their choice.


Most of our prints are sold in signed and numbered, open editions. Some of our newer figurative work is available in limited editions of 25. Our most popular landscape prints are sold through edition 15. As they approach edition 20, we will be sequentially increasing the prices, likely limiting the final edition count to 30 or so in the artist’s lifetime. In reality, all traditional darkroom prints are unique and individual pieces. So many creative moves happen under the enlarger that no two prints, even those made on the same day, are exactly alike.

Pricing Information

For pricing and purchasing information please contact us by email, or call the gallery.